A patient-reported outcome (PRO) is a "measurement of any aspect of a patient's health that comes directly from the patient without interpretation of the patient's responses by a physician or anyone else."

/ISOQOL Dictionary of Quality of Life and Health Outcomes Measurement/


A chronic condition impacts all areas of a patient’s life. The core aim of treatment is to improve the patient’s quality of life. Only patients themselves can judge their own needs and impairments. With PROMs, patients provide their perspective without the interpretation of a clinician. This makes them crucial for the therapy planning and evaluation. Focusing on patient preferences and measuring patient-reported benefit can thus improve treatment success.


Our research group has developed widely used PROMs such as the Patient Benefit Index, the Wound-QOL, and the NAPPA. The tools are used in randomised controlled trials (RCTs), non-interventional studies and in clinical practice. They have been translated into numerous languages and were validated for different diseases and conditions.






The Patient Benefit Index (PBI) measures patient’s treatment needs and benefits. Numerous condition-specific versions are available.

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The Wound-QoL measures health-related quality of life of patients with chronic wounds.

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The Nail Assessment in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis measures quality of life (NAPPA-QOL), treatment goals and benefits (NAPPA-PBI), and the clinician’s assessment of the clinical severity of nail psoriasis (NAPPA-CLIN). 

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The Daily Experience Sampling Questionnaire (DESQ) measures affective subjective well-being on a momentary basis.

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The QOLPAD measures health-related quality of life in patients with peripheral artery disease.


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The FLQA-VS-10 measures health-related quality of life in patients with venous diseases.

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The MS-QLQ-27 measures health-related quality of life in patients with Multiple Sclerosis.


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The QOL-HS measures health-related quality of life in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa).


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The PsoSat measures patients‘ satisfaction with psoriasis treatment.




Derma Value provides a fast and personalized access to electronic versions of outcome measures in skin diseases, including PROMs developed by our research group. The tools are available in a web-based version and via a multi-platform app. Derma Value is a project of the IVDP research group Telemedicine & Digital Health, led by Dr. Marina Otten.